Wednesday 10 February 2016


Essential Expresions

+Hi !
+Good morning!
+Good day!
+Good afternoon!
+ Good evening!
+Good night!
+How are you?
+How are things?
+How are things at home?
+How's life?
+How do you do?
+ How are you getting on?
+How are you keeping?
+How's life treating you?
+ What are you up to these days?
+ Very well ,thank you.
+Fine, thanks.
+ Pretty well,thanks.
+ Good thanks.
+ O.K.thanks.
+Not so bad,thanks.
+Allow me to introduce my self.
+ My name is..........
+ May I introduce you to.........
+ Do you know each other?
+ Have you met before?
+ I' m glad to see you.
+ It' s a pleasure to meat you.
+ I didn' t expect to see you here?
+ I haven' t seen you for along time.
+What are surprise to see you!
+We must keep in touch.
+ Don' t forget us.
+ How is your  father ( mother. sister)?
+ Is he all right?
+ Well, what is it?
+ What's wrong?
+ What's the matter?
+ Is anything happened?
+ What happened?
+ What brings you here?

Essential Expressions

+Happy new year!
+Happy feast   Day!
+Happy anniversary!
+Many happy returns of of the day!
+Marry Christmas!
+Happy Birtday!
+Have a nice sleep!
+Have a nice dream!
+Have a good trip!
+Congratulations on passing your exams!
+Congratulations on your success!
+Congratulations on the birth of your son.
+Congratulations on your promotion.
+Congratulations on getting a new job.
+Congratulations to you.
+Congratulations on your getting tittle.
+Congratulations on your appointment as president.
+Congratulations on your nomination as a captain.
+Congratulations on your escape.
+I convey my congratulations to you.
+Please accept my congratulations.
+My heartiest congratulations to you.
+Congratulations on your passing in your written examinations.
+Congratulations on your appointment as a main director.
+Congratulations on your success a proffessor.

Essential Expressions

+Good bye! Bey Bey !
+So long !
+See you.
+See you later.
+See you soon.
+See you around.
+See you tonight.
+See you tomorrow morning.
+Till we meet again.
+Good luck.
+Best of luck.
+God bless you! Bless you !
+May God bless you.
+Remember me to Ongso.
+Give my love yo Nora.
+Give my regards to him.
+Please remember me to your mother.
+Please give my kind regards to your sister.
+Please send my best love to your aunt.

Essential Expression

+ I'm sorry.
+I'm so sorry.
+ Please pardon me.
+I beg your pardon.
+May excused?
+For get it!
+ I'm sorry you're ill.
+I'm sorry for you.
+For give me,please.