Wednesday 3 February 2016

Collection food resep

Special Corn Patty

Materials : • 4 pieces of (combed). • 4 pieces of (pounded). • 200 grams of wheat flour. • 4 eggs (beaten off). • 4 sprigs cilantro (finely sliced). • 1/2 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder. • 6 pieces of red chili (sliced oblique). • 2 tablespoon water. • Cooking Oil. • 4 red onions. • 4 cloves of garlic. • 2 teaspoon salt. • 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper. • 1 teaspoon sugar. Steps: 1. Mix sweet corn, flour, eggs, chicken broth powder, red chili sauce, and water and Stir well. 2. Spoon the sweet corn mixture into the warmed oil. 3. Fry the mixture until golden brown and looks cooked.   

Hongkong Special Fried Rice

Ingredients: • 1,5 cloves of choped garlic. • 1 red sliced chilies. • 50 grams of cubes chicken meat in 1 cm. • 75 grams of peeled shrimp. • 3 pieces of fish balls (cut in 2 parts). • 1 sliced leeks. • 1 beaten off eggs plus 1/4 teaspoon salt. • 225 grams of cold rice. • 0,5 teaspoon fish sauce. • 0,5 teaspoon soy sauce. • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper. • 0,5 teaspoon salt. • 0,5 tablespoon Angciu. Procedures : 1. Fry the garlic and chilli until fragrant. Put chicken and shrimp into pan. Stir them until cooked. 2. Enter the leeks, stir until wilted and then add the scrambled eggs and fish balls. After that stir until grainy. 3. Add rice, stir until blended. 4. Add fish sauce, soy sauce, pepper, salt, and angciu and stir them until the spices to infuse.

Mini Goat Rib Goulash

Ingredients : • 500 grams of goat ribs, boiled, and cut into pieces. • 1 whole of cloves. • 1,5 cm of cinnamon. • 1 grains of cardamom. • 1 pieces of kandis acid. • 1 stalks of lemongrass, take the white, and crushed. • 2,5 pieces of bones removed orange leaves. • 1 bay of leaves. • 1 cm crushed galangal. • 1 cm crushed ginger. • 1,500 ml of coconut milk. • 2 teaspoon of salt. • 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper. • 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. • 1 tablespoons of oil for sauteing. • 3 large of red chilies. • 5 grains of red onion. • 2 cloves of garlic. • 0,5 teaspoon of roasted coriander. • 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg. • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin. • 1 cm of burned turmeric burned. • 2 eggs of toasted pecans. Procedure: 1. Heat the cooking oil. Fry until fragrant ground spices, cloves, cinnamons, cardamoms, kandis acid, lemon grasses, lime leaves, bay leaves, galangals, and gingers. 2. Put the goat ribs into the pan. Stir them until the color changed. 3. Pour the coconut milk, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook over low heat until the mixtures become thick.

Hot Roasted Shrimp

Materials: • 200 grams of shrimp (remove the head, and cut off the back). • 0,5 teaspoon of lemon juice. • 0,5 teaspoon of salt. • 3 teaspoon of ground pepper. • 1,5 stalks of lemongrass (take the white, and slice oblique). • 10 large of red chilies (intact, burn, and cut into pieces). • 3 red onions (bake, and halve). • 2 cloves of garlic (bake, and halve). • 2 sprigs of basil leaves. • 2 tomato (cut into pieces). • Some banana leaves for wrapping. Steps : 1. Pour shrimp with lime salt, juice, and pepper. 2. Add some lemongrass, red pepper, red onion, garlic, basil, chili, and tomatoes. Stir them well. Do it for about 15 minutes. 3. Wrap the poured shrimps with banana leaves. Cover them totally. 4. Steam them in 20 minutes and stay for over medium heat until it cooked.

Special Fish Porridge

Ingredients : • 1 plateful rice. • 3 cm of crushed ginger. • 1,5 stalk of celery. • 0,5 teaspoon of salt. • 1/4 teaspoon of pepper. • 200 ml chicken stock. • 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic. • 100 grams snapper of fillets (cut into small squares). • 1,5 teaspoon of fish sauce. • 0,5 teaspoon of salt. • 0,75 teaspoon of ground pepper. • 1,5 teaspoon of granulated sugar. • 0,5 finely sliced leek. • 2 tablespoon of water. • 2 tablespoon of cooking oil for sauteing. Additional Materials : • 2 stalk of sliced celery • 1,5 tablespoons of fried shallots • 1,5 pieces of hard-boiled eggs (in the split of 2 parts) Procedure : 1. Boil chicken, rice, ginger, celery, salt, and pepper, stir them until absorbed and condensed. 2. Stir the fish and heat the cooking oil. Fry the garlic until fragrant and add snapper. Stir the ingredients until they changes their color. 3. Enter the sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, and water. Stir them well. Cook for about five minutes, add leeks and stir them well for twice. 4. Serve the porridge with fish.

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